Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: re: financials

Well,, now that you brought up number 3 ,,"3) People are people and they could just be lying or trolling.".. ...................And thankyou for bringing this up by the way....Here is a little blast from the past... This poster was very popular,,a 3.3 rating ,, certainly more popular than Jack,,,mainly becaue she/he told people exactly what they wanted to hear... Apparently ,,this poster was a bigtime " marketer",, I mean come,, worked in New York-Chicago,, had the Poet club complete with her/his CEO in the club.. This poster could have been a unemployed 30 year old punk with a English degree sitting in her/his mother`s basement in MooseJaw.. Dosn`t matter because the trick is to tell people what they want to hear...I complained to a hub leader about this poster but was told,"nobody takes her posts seriously anyway:" The one thing that this poster proved to me was the absolute gulliablity of this forum.Some .people actually belived this crap.. On that note,, I think one of the reasons posters are rather bummed out right now is because we just got slapped in the face with realtiy........................................................................ Maybe someone could point out one ounce of truth in this post..


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Did you know? EileenTeahon is from New York-Chicago

Signs, Signs........every where Signs ?

posted on May 16, 15 02:38PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

May 18, 2015 is Victoria Day in Canada.

May 25, 2015 is Memorial Day in the states.

Calculation of remaining "news worthy" dates until the actual AGM are running thin. I concur with the general consensus that "treats" are in order for the time worn stock holders of PTK. The question is inevitably who, what, where, when, and how. WHO is the new CEO, WHAT deal(s) are signed, WHERE did the new CEO come from, WHEN is the NASDAQ listing effective, HOW will we get there ?

June 8th, 2015 is a pivotal day for Poet Technologies. Its a Monday.

It our new COO's first day. A first official chance to sit down with the rest of the management team. A first chance (publicly anyway), (and I suspect by then) for the new CEO to align with the new COO and the remaining team members. I do strongly believe this unveiling will occur before June 8th. I also believe its already occurred and that the new CEO has had a hand in the selection of the COO, as well as the both of the two new directors.

June 12th, 2015 is another pivotal day for Poet Technologies. Its a Friday.

Its of course the AGM. A meeting in which direction will be given, taken and forward movement will be harbinger of much of a new technologies global future. Not to be over dramatic, I am also very sure that most of you have now grasped the enormity of whats at stake here. I still have quite a bit of doubt that the general investing public really is grasping what POET really is or does have under wraps at the moment. Nor what exposure on the global stage will do for us. So this coming out party of sorts, in the heart of the industries mainframe, will no doubt pique some interest in the social media realm.

An interesting side bar to this is in fact a certain fruit companies chart. The information therein on certain product release and anniversary milestones, quarterly conference calls etc, and the effect on stock pricing, is invaluable.

I think it was FJ who mentioned a while back, GXS.V and its amazing run from .30 to $19 in a very short time. It will be very interesting in the coming days and months, and post NASDAQ listing, to see how the stock is promoted and how far and how soon social media picks up on it. The maelstrom culminated from the convergence of these factors will be a perfect storm. It will set some new highs, volume records for itself, and if what our POET group believes to be right, a global clamoring for a piece of history.

One last item.........

In consideration of many of the executives I know and/or have known or worked with for over 40 years in the business world. I can emphatically state that virtually none would leave a gold plated pension, a steady and rising income and bonus structure, profit sharing plans, company cars, paid health care and yearly join an unproven, un-revenued, and unknown start up.

So this smacks me in the face with a cold and wet cloth when I read our new boards qualifications, our new TRAB members connections, our new COO's CV and educational back ground, PC, AM, SG, LS, to name even more key individuals. This tells me, (along with certain TV ads) that milestones are completed, and pronouncements to the world that POET is a viable and disruptive product, are coming shortly.

To use an old pumperish term......"buckle up baby".......

My own personal date expectations...............

June 15th, 2015 A new technology paradigm begins to take shape.

June 29. 2015 for completion of the NASDAQ listing.

July 7, 2015 for the first day of NASDAQ trading.

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