Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Denselight/luxmux

Hollydurg, no dumb questions when ask in earnest

The first item is a meet and greet for the EPIC group, being held in Signapore and hosted by the LUX Consortium. Poet/Denselight is a member of LUX and will be part of the host delegation. This is a photonics get together for the European and South Asian companies to size each other up and compare notes. It is not a trade show and it is very unlikely that new products would be unvieled at such an event.

As to Prism, it's a award program for excellence in photonic innovation and are awarded every year since 2008 at the Photonics West symposium in San Fransisco together with SPIE and Photonics Media.

The Luxmux nomination and finalist position is a "beST SLED" collaberation between Poet/Denselight and Luxmux. 

So, no "new" products at either one from a Poet perspective

Hope that helps

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