Mo, are you on crack??
Another PP is fine for POET? POET just shaved its hair almost bald to the skin with the last PO, now you want to shave the whole thing down to the scalp?
I think a lot of you are crazy holding onto this overpromised, under delivered investment. You could've sold and invest in something else as there are a lot of other stocks and great opportunities out there. The opportunity cost for holding this stock is too much and too big of a cost to be holding 5-6 years, and just watching it go down like a disaster with no proof of confidence from management. I was patient and supported management when the new faces jumped aboard, but I think management is lying to us and shifting direction to Denselight!!!!
Not trying to scare anybody or bash the stock. TBH I held onto this stock for 2.5 years, and glad I just got rid of it and put my money elsewhere and is recovering from this Poet loss. No motives here, because I've been through the storm and now management is trying not communicate to the shareholders. How shady is that!!!