I really appreciate Benji2014"s comments on the financial statement. It points out exactly where we are. It would really be nice for everyone to put aside their differences long enough to analyze this question. Why are we here and not higher given all of the positive things happening with this company. Some will say that we have analyzed this to death but I disagree. Everytime some decent discussion points come out, after a few responses where the tone is abit off, we attack the person nearly to death and forget about the issue. I beleive that the PO should have been a blip with a recovery. Why do we continually stay down even with positive news? I doubt many would argue that we have never been closer to having significant revenues and huge potential for more. Why could we not be at $2.86 a was the case a few years ago when the promise was that we were where we are now? To me, it does not add up.