The Rocky Road
posted on
Jun 08, 2017 05:18PM
Given my love of joing dots I was going to call this post:
Are we not rather wallowing in an atmosphere of gloom at the moment. Yes its been a serious business trying to get management to what it should do for sharehoders without our promting - many thanks go to Lunenge, and yes good communications are at the heart of any successful undertaking and they may now try harder or at least think about it
I would say that, to a reasonable extent, we are getting reports at regular intervals but certainly not the news that we need to assure us of technical progress or that which would generate real interest that would start the SP moving. As uncomfortable or unsatisfactory as this feels, there are considered reasons been given to explain the need for silence and we need to respect that. That is good management too and are tactics that ultimately will be in our best interest if POET is to be a success. It is simply irrational to expect to win a technological race with a highly technical disruptive technology procuct and process by giving away your data and results or your competitors a' heads u'p on your progress. That is until there comes a point when PTI are truly ready for head-on confrontation with the market and the customers in that market. That point is approaching to a plan that quite rightly we are not party in its detail but in broad scope. Build up DensLight to finance the commercialisation of POET and producing a broad range of optical products for many verticals..
I have no idea when this change is, but we are expecting prototypes to appear. The count down to that moment is in progress given what Bill Ring announced in March regarding integration. No one here will necessarily feel comforted by the old maxim that 'no news is good news' but my sense is that due to the passage of time and silence the odds must be are turning in our favour. I simply do not accept, no matter how many times its said, that the SP is anything to do with the state and progress of this company. It is simply where it is because of the need to raise capital and the deliberate silence. We all know this so that this is no time for panic about takeovers their avoidance may well be the reason for silence.
The principles of this investment remain sound. A fantastic product aimed at a burgeoning market for optical products that are currently being productised by the competent engineers and leadership of PTI. Yes financing is wobbly but then we can all see there is a reasonable chance that the gearing up at DenseLight, with a new range of desirable products, is the rescue plan A, you know what plan B has to be.
Back to leadership, check out the Board of Directors CVs and there is real talent and experience there, quite exceptional really for the sort of start up Venture Capital, Tech company PTI is. Our CEO is a proven hard working engineer with the right technical experience to replace PC the 'markets guy' who was perhaps rather too loose lips sinks ships in nature, which clearly SV is not, which is why he may have bowed to the more aggressive communications embargo stance that one suspects originates from the new FCO management brought in. But then in many ways SV's weaknesses are bolstered by the addition of Thomas Mika, who although, for me, he has the touch of darkness about him, is really an excellent example of a poacher turned game keeper. The notion that he was brought on board for treachery are really the stuff of nightmares and fiction and not the clearly stated strategic intentions of management, just read what they say relax and accept what we are told are the company's goals in the literature they produce.
So don't go all wobbly kneed on PTI. The reality is that risk to our investment is significantly lower at this point than at our earlier days whith ur IP sitting in the glazed laboratory at Stoors, in an enterprise run largely by money men imagining that the POET rose was about to be plucked and sold for Billions making a fortune for each and every one of us shareholders. Yes we all bought into that but sorry folks the reality is that SV decided to do it the hard way and that is what we are in the midst of - The Rocky Road to fame and fortune. So 'by my lady' well lets tough it out and stop moaning, there's no other choice so sit back and enjoy the ride and remember that whilst we are in the red now the truth is that for the majority of us, over the last5 years for themajority of the time many of us have done quite nicely thank you and in the money, and those days will happily return.
I'll do it in semiohre next time.