Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Semiconductor Today


Many here, long before you have started posting on this forum have rationalized and accepted why POET's stock price is where it is at, but we are also hopeful where it is likely to go once POET gets in synch with the market on the way up. 

People generally posts on forums and buy stocks that they feel or hope will do well. We understand the company's shortfalls, but we also understand that it is a fluid situation and the markets are globally fluid as well. So while being realistic and pragmatic, we don't generally look for reasons to make POET appear worse than it is perceived day in and day out. We hope for it to do better. Sometimes we must accept and post a negative sober reminder, but we don't dwell on it as investors. Daytraders on the otherhand will always try to sway emotion to get a stock price moving in the direction they want it to go --- that direction can be both down or up. Investors want it to go up as much as it realistically can on improving execution, on better understanding generally, and/or roadmapped achievements that make it obvious for POET's share price to rise. We are not here to lament on that it will fall all the time or never succeed. We are in it to win it backed by not hype but real tangible results that the market will not only understand but care about as well.


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