Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Insider buy

This share price activity could mean anything, so hard to tell.  Today, no doubt some day traders were lured in, and they normally close out their position before close.  Most have no idea what POET does.

I'm hoping this rally isn't the people on this board buying, and I'm sure it's not.

Our market cap had been so low, that even a "leak" that the India decision is imminent, could cause the stock to rise, even without any indication as to what the decision will be. 

If the time of the decision is public, in some fashion, then I don't see any major risk with the insiders buying.  If only the insiders know of the timing, well, problematic, but they still don't know what the decsion is, so it's not 100% clear (almost nothing is, right?). 

Our share price deserves to be higher just on the prospect of getting the India deal, so any knowledge of an imminent decision should cause speculative buying.

I'm not at all saying that's what is causing this rally, rather that it may fit the insider buying issue (what does it mean?), they know something's gonna happen, but don't know if it's good or bad.

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