Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: OFC

Hello everyone,

So I'm in San Diego, and attended the show yesterday.  Lots of people (one of the OFC guys said 13k folks here), and a lot tech.  Missed most of the POET guys at DenseLight booth yesterday (caught Soma & Bryran there)   You guys (Forum) got the Rockley NR before me, though Dr Rickman should have my card by now.  My son & I must have walked 5 miles walking the length in a zigzag pattern a few times, and dirverted as something caught our attention, and continue, engaging in conversations, mostly Q & A, and move on.  I realize you haven't heard a peep from me, last few days,  and I am sorry for that.  Getting out of town (Napa),  bunches to get done so my company can run on autopilot (without me).  (As you can see, paranthesis are my friend).  I do have a plan for covering the show but l just can't do it play by play.  I take copious notes, and am headed back to Show today, hopefully with better luck catching our team (not just a one day thing for me this time).   There for lots more conversations and lots more notes coming up.  My usual game plan is after the Show, I compile my notes and compose the report.   It has to be accurate, like everything else here (of course reasonably, I try for the 100%).  It seems lots of stuff is happening right now so I understand the extra focus on all fronts.  I'll do my best for timelyness and content, and I have set the bar high for myself.  So, I have to get going, back to the Show.  Your intrepid reporter signing off, and good luck to longs.  BTW I Have to say thanks to our Tombot for his incredible summarized history of POET.  Many, many thanks     TB.  (I wonder if Ms. TB did lots of the work   lol  :)  Bt


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