Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Got Revenue?
Apr 11, 2018 07:52PM
Apr 11, 2018 08:11PM

Just thinking out loud. Given the latest agreement and the tech that needs to be acquired and tweaked to become the optimized production platform to supply customers with our interposer and related products, I am suggesting 3 months from now. Perhaps more before we get our first contract. This really is the proof in the pudding moment. Once that happens and the doors open, it may be like Walmart on Blackfriday at 6:00am selling those freaken finger sloths( no, I never bought one btw. 

There will be a frenzy and we will sore beyond A $1.00 without issue. Watch for the pullbacks as the warrant and options are exercised. Once those are dealt with, we be in the driver’s seat as more partnerships and contracts are awarded. I am Buhdda hear me sit.

Broncos strong

Go jets go 





Apr 12, 2018 02:29AM
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