Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Oh Ye of little faith

"The glooms and and personality baiters have emerged once again, how boring!". I would argue that there is plenty of reason to be gloomy, I certainly am when I look at the dismal SP. I'm not sure why that is boring, and considered a bad thing. The current SP is real, and it is not good, and can have implications on the business and state of the company.

"having completed the technology" how do we know this? Relevant is "Therefore to imagine that management must respond to investors insatiable demands for news ". In other words, we have not been informed that the technology is complete, as there has been no news about this. Given the schedule, it would not be expected to be complete yet. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the company to communicate with share holders. I sure hope it is on track, but I have not seen any facts on that recently.

"Here we are with the venture company we have invested in poised to unleash their first product". I hope so, but we have not been informed about this. I'm curious if all are happy this statement? Hint - it is almost 2019 and "first product"

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