The net loss in the third quarter of 2018 included non-cash, stock-based compensation of $1,149,095
- Ended the third quarter with cash of $5.9-million (U.S.);
- Ended the second quarter with cash of $10-million (U.S.).
Capital investment in plant, equipment and patents was $1,554,648 (U.S.) in the third quarter of 2018 compared with $1,139,259 (U.S.) in the second quarter of 2018.
As far as I know the capital spending for new equipment was done at least for now.
So they ended Q3 with $4.1 million less than Q2 but spent $1.55 million on stuff.
So $1 million per month is probably pretty close. However they should be seeing money from both the $3 million in sales for Optical Interposer prototypes and sales out of DenseLight.
Definitely at a point in time where funding will be needed to support customer orders.