Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Perplexing..

It's your premise that is incorrect Z3 - the company is not selling DL to stay financially afloat (although it will help).

The company is doing it to achieve their long term goal of becoming "fab-lite", and in the process shedding much of the overhead that continues to plague our balance sheet.

The company already has developed the technology, they are retaining the best brains to further develop the OI and potentially create more disruptive products.

Again, we've been saying for some time (although there are those that believe other news could motivate the stock, I'm not one of them) that this stock will not move until we know who the customers are and how much they will purchase. It seems obvious, and normally the market speculates a share price higher given the information we have received, but for POET that is not to be, likely because, as most say, the way POET treated the market previously.

Finally, I'm not so sure what everyone's expectations are here, and whether lofty or not, but this company does have something that no one else possesses, currently, at the same level of development....and apparently, it is a product that has legs, and can be developed.

Think iPhone, and the way Apple made it into the largest corporation in the world by market had a product that no one else had really exploited, and they went to work hard on making theirs the best. The rest of their products are ok, but the iPhone made the company.

Now, I am not comparing us in anyway to Apple, nor do I believe we will achieve anywhere near their market cap, but I think that if the OI is as good as they say, POET may be the gold standard.

As Shash would say, all in my very humble opinion.



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