Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: news broadcast

hello again


i will put forward a little info on my work background.

ive been a Video Journalist for 30+years in toronto

Just a thought,

Im not a major tech person,

the most important issue for  tv news is the capability 

to go live from anywhere and everywhere.( for this application, it is limited to cell coverage

otherwise  it's through satelite$$.)

The latest ability to bring live spot news through cell dejero boxes  and adapteors is still a chalenge

when quality drops ,latency must be increased to allow for an acceptable broadcast signal.

especially with high def and 4k....ect

 The interposer (i beleive will play a roll) in increasing quality ,speed, cost and 

the overall experience for viewers to stream on digital platforms

this is yet another area i think our tech will be an asset.

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