Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: What Just Happened on the Forum Today....?
Aug 15, 2019 04:19AM


Good morning Forum Team,


It is interesting that I woke up to an email this morning stating that I have received a violation notice on the forum for my last posting.


Since I am new to contributing I was not aware that sports analogies were forbidden so I apologize for that and will refrain with sports references in the future. (could not find it in the guidelines though but will respect the forum anyway)


It also seems that I may have caused a level of discontent as some responses have been bordering on being mean.  Also, was not my intent.  But my skin is thick.


I will keep it simple.  The purpose of this format is to share, discuss and debate technology and the awesome potential POET has.  Encouraging one another along the way too is a great way to keep a Team cohesive and pulling in the right direction.


I do have a great respect for the Hub Leaders as they have taught us so much and have encouraged us when we are feeling frustrated about the development.  FJ has been a huge contributor lately and a tonic of sorts in providing guidance and a level of patience and comfort.  That is a good leader trait. 


Yesterday was kind of a weird day.  The wheels fell off so to speak on the technical aspects of the forum and they gravitated in an accelerated fashion into the political realm.  This is not good because it is no longer technical focused and it fuels emotions.


My conversation was directed not only to the Team but more so to Leadership.  Most of us are or have been leaders in organizations and other capacities.  We, very much including myself, have at times made mistakes or done things that we might regret.  That is just plain part of being human.


The true test of Leadership is to know when we misstep and to own up to it and apologize and ask for forgiveness. 


Leaders have accountability too, not just contributors.  There are clear guideline for the Forum.  It is our responsibility to follow them respectfully.  I think this makes sense.  Without this we are operating almost on a dictatorial level and fair questions are not allowed or possibly even admonished and then piled upon.  This is an interesting thing and careful watch has to be taken that it is not an uncontrollable trend which dilutes the strength and contribution of the forum.


Some people now seem curious as to who I am.  That is not important now but you will find out in good time.  I do not plan to communicate excessively on the forum and will montior and only interject when needed and not as wanted.


It is important to get back on track and regain the purity of technical discussion.  I am hoping the Hub Leaders can convene and discuss how best to reign in the discussion and get us back on topic and in focus.


In the meantime I will just share with you all a trivial comment that my favorite television program is "Undercover Boss".


All the best to POET and the Discussion Forum going forward.


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