This year is going to be very special for me. POET is going to show us lots of love and I am really looking forward to sharing good times with all of you.
For me this year is going to mark a new beginning. We had to say goodbye to Cooper yesterday morning. He has been sick for a few months and the Metacam which Dr Rick suggested at the AGM and our vet agreed with helped a lot for a few months but he went downhill fast over the last couple weeks.
So my best friend who has been with me for almost every day for the last 10 years is in a better place now but my heart is so broken. I have already begun looking for our next 4 legged buddy. Cooper was a great dog and he didn’t care where we went so long as he could come along for the ride. And it has been a great ride. He lived a really good life.
Life goes on.
To new beginnings my friends.