Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: I’ve seen this pattern before

I am reading with interest the comments on the lack of SP improvement, given the information provided in the NR.

While there is considerable re-risking for shareholders with the completion of the 8th deliverable, there is still some distance to travel.

Some members of the board speak about the "validation of the OI". Not so fast, though. What Suresh actually says is "demonstrates the complete functionality of the Optical Interposer platform technology." (Bold is mine) What he is saying is that they have proven that the concept works, but, goes on to say  "POET recently completed this final deliverable (the 8th piece required for tier 1 project) and is now engaged in follow-on discussions aimed at products to be designed, qualified and incorporated ( so, no actual product yet, but we are working on it) into the customer’s product portfolio". We know roughly how long qualification takes, from past experience.

The other item stalling out SP increase is the fact that POET did not receive the second tranche and as of this moment, has still not received any additional payment. While the company states they it was they that "negotiated" the delay, it is a delay none the less and the market sees the company as quite low on funds at this moment. Without mention af any ongoing NRE values, the market is left guessing as to POET's finances.

So, we get a small bump in shareprice based on the measurable de-risk, but not the "up and to the right" everyone would like to see just yet. We are certainly a lot closer now, but no cigar just yet! Perhaps another NR in the next short while will change that, but for now, we are still at "soon"

I am sure there are those who will post their utter disbelief in my thoughts on this, but judging from the market reaction so far, I might be close.

IMO, of course

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