2B > The laser is "built in" in all configurations for each standard but the CWDM filter that POET builds is achieved through the etching of multiple parallel waveguides of different lengths that are tuned to separate frequency ranges (over simplified) so that each wavelength can carry data on the same fiber rather than requiring multiple fibers each carrying the same wavelength. Up to now the CWDM filtering has been achieved very accurately in free space optics basically using mirrors to create different wavelengths (colours) like a prism. Not only are they bulky glass blocks as described by Suresh at the AGM but they require active alignment using lenses because they are not integrated in a CMOS microfabrication process. Everything that POET does is in CMOS friendly microfabrication.
I think it is going to be a huge conundrum for a lot of people who have all their investments in higher cost optical engines but it is an answer for those who know its coming.