Re: Technicals due diligence !
posted on
Apr 29, 2020 02:45AM
Despite being trained for a year in military financial management, my judgement and experience would say that stock picking is an art which has eluded me and I expect many others too. Besides, as a trustee of charitable funds it is mandatory, law even, for me to seek professional advice when investing charitable funds in stocks. Whilst Technicals remain a black art to me akin to the shaking of runes or reading signs from tea leaves swirled in tea cups, I have to say that the advice of analysts we now await has always worried me also, as frequently they seem to be governed by an element of herd mentality. I suspect this is because many professional analysts and advisors purchase their share intelligence from the same sources. Frankly, chosing an advisors or analyst reminds me of being at the races and checking which bookie was touting the best odds. Investment is simply a minefield, who saw pandemics as part of their investment advice package?
It's important to feel happy and take responsibility for ones own investment decisions, that there is a real rational why one should invest. Freed from the responsibility of duty and regulations, eight years ago I took a gamble based on the obvious need to clear the blockages existing in computer architecture that restricted computing performance. Specifically, those caused by relying on the managing electrons in computer communications in both internal buses and external data inputs and outputs. Inceasing channels alone was not enough. The solution was clearly to replace them with photons travelling at light speed. Science through lasers and fibre optics had provided a solution. Finding a solar firm (OPEL) who sponsored research into the optical technology needed to implement optical solutions in computing was pure luck.
Shortly I will be able to judge to some degree how wise my own sense of risk reward was in opting for investing in venture capital, We got here without using technicals, advisors or analysts.
The awkward development history of POET Technologies INC's management has despite all odds produced a management team with knowledge and vision who appear to have utilised capital resources productively, to the point where we stand to be rewarded for our patience. We have come to rely on quarterly reports to cherry pick words of comfort but since the company's declaration of an inflection point, we will I hope be able to develop a much greater awareness of the missing ingredient for venture capital success - DEMAND. The demand for the product in the form of customers and orders.
That demand surely is currently emphasised by growing use of internet for personal communicatiins in meeting and chat room applications like zoom during this pandemic, along with greater public awareness and public upskilling in their use. A positive indicator which surely will be pushing providers to upgrade their systems.
Given a disruptive product, demand, manufacturing capacity, good management and finance it's hard to imagine what more an analysts can add to the risk reward equation that the accumulated knowledge that this boards members have provided. As is oft said do your own DD.