Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: My take only, LD presentation

So, yes, it is a moving target, but not endlessly. There have to be a point in time when a concrete order goes out. And then on to the next product generation, where they can play that moving target game again (for a while)!

This puts me in mind to wonder: how big will POET need to be in order to properly handle multiple similtaneous products-in-development? 

I know it's a vague question, but let's say they engage five companies who order five different OI-based solutions... does the company need to staff up to handle this? or does it even matter how many (10? 20?) might be under simultaneous development because the only thing that needs to be managed at this point would be the technical DIFFERENCES between these a-la-carte combinations of OI capabilities? 

Second question: does each completed OI product contribute to shortening the development/testing cycle of every subsequent one? 

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