Imagine how much good news we got out and how much our risk has decreased with this investment since we hit the 50 cent range months ago and here we still sit.This makes absolutely no common sense at all without subscribing to the thought that it is being held down purposely.
Now ask yourself why,well even if it is the warrant holders cashing in,would it not benefit them as much as any of us to let this thing run into the dollars and then sell,they would certainly make much more on their trades.Therefore the only possible reason i can think of a reason to hold our share price here is to shake long weary shareholders out of their shares and they probably hope that we will need more money from them at these ridiculous levels.
Well in life there is usually always a silver lining to everything and although very hard to wait,been about 7 yrs for me and yes i bought most of my shares at the very high prices around $2, i am taking the oportunity to buy everything here i can possibly afford because its almost like a gift here to be able to buy at these levels still.
Yes a can wait a few more years for $8 or $10,especially when the future looks so bright. Remember once we have a great money flow we can always revisit our GaAs technology which in itself should be worth much more than our stock price today.