"Mika in the Lightbar Video:
And you know there have been a couple of major companies that have already committed capital to us for completing designs, or for just proving out the technology. And they are in one sense household names, but we just can’t say who they are, because their names are confidential. So, this is going to be huge. And I think that 2021 and 2022 are going to be amazing years for the company."
So, if I understand this
1) POET has Sunan signed.
2) With the news coming out of Nokia ,and hints from POET, plus all the research done by ITTR and others.....we have or will soon have contracts signed with them. (also we were told by POET earlier a deal signed by a major European company}
3) With the news coming out of Cisco, (as also shown by ITTR) it sure looks like they are our NA contact and contracts are or will be signed with them.
That's 3 big powerhouses that can drive our stock price to the moon and others will, inevitably, jump on board our Good Ship Lollipop.
I can't help but get excited regardless of our past disappointments. Good luck all, but I don't think we need Lady luck anymore. T