Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Thoughts on consolidation
A reminder that it was less than a month ago that the executives of POET said the company would be “huge” and detailed why. I think there is a lack of understanding/appreciation for how few employees are within the company, outside of the scientists. It’s a skeleton crew and they need support staff, which requires funding. Until today's news, I firmly believed the company would be sold within 12 months. There is so much consolidation in the industry and, putting myself in the shoes of the executives, I would have expected them to consider an exit point.
Now, I see a clear path for POET to gain a massive influx of spending to fund expansion and to grow into an industry giant. A listing for a tech stock on NASDAQ with the potential of this company could balloon its value in a single day of trading.
I have all the same misgivings about reverse splits as many others have stated. I owned CITI when it did a horrible R/S during the financial crisis and own a blockchain mining company that did an R/S a few months ago that was brutal (though it has recovered). An R/S is optically terrible and financially usually bad. But as with everything, a case-by-case view needs to be considered. POET looks like it is executing for a short-term solution that will accelerate the growth of the company into the industry front-runner it is signalling it will be. I think it plays out to the benefit of current shareholders.
And, as a public service, just a note on the mentions of crypto investing here this morning. I would be very careful and leery about getting into that boat at this time. I am quite sure I’m the only one on this forum who has been in the same room as the guy who invented Bitcoin (the one who went by the alias of Satoshi; his co. in London was a client in 2019-20) and the cryptocurrency world has a lot of unseemliness (hash wars, feuds, bad actors) in it. Blockchain is definitely the future of global accounting and fintech, and so are e-currencies, but where BTC and ETH play in that landscape is very uncertain. I sold all of mine on Sunday and doubt I’ll go back in.
Jan 12, 2021 12:51PM
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