Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: When i heard this...

From the transcript (thanks for it) :

Let me just add to what Vivek has said.

Remember, a key to our strategy is that we’re not trying to replace, or compete directly with, a module manufacturer. What we’re doing is providing components within the module. And the components that are being sourced currently, are being sourced from hundreds of suppliers. So we’re not competing with a monolith company, that is more powerful than we are.

When I heard that, I asked myself what are they inserting into there partnership agreement to prevent these monolith company to take-over POET? and than again, I'm not in this field of expertise (silicon photonics/semiconductors/optoelectronic integration) but my guess is that POET's vision, strategy and go-to customer have been established by some very well knowleadge folks that have been operating for years within this industry... there is patent/IP protection, know-how and manufacturing capabilities as well that kicks in.

What is your take?



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