bluecollardollar: I think it was a great move by the company to share live Demo's with shareholder. The only difference is, I think the more the merrier. Why not all shareholders, via a webcast or video?
Actually, I recently suggested to Tom Mika to do just that. They could live stream the event on YouTube, so that they a) won’t have to do it over and over again and b) have a recording in their YouTube channel they can point people to.
Tom’s response was that if you have watched the video, then you have seen the live demo and that there is really nothing more to see at this point. Nevertheless he agreed to include my suggestion in his IR/PR plan, as and when there are more products in the lab to demo.
I think the video is very valuable, but there is still a higher quality, credibility and closeness in being able to participate in a live demo and ask questions – or to see a recording on YouTube where others have done so.
Such a live demo might calm down some people here, at least for a few minutes.