Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The Moriarity Blues

Dear Friends,


I’ve been invested in poet since 2014.  Some of my shares are still underwater.  I’m not exactly sure when I discovered Agoracom, but I was already a shareholder.  It didn’t take long for me to realize what an amazing group of people are gathered here!  I felt like a guy at the wrong Christmas party who just politely listens and keeps his mouth shut while people from another league are talking way over his head…


and so I have kept quiet until now. This is my first post and maybe my last.


This forum has been far superior to all other stock message boards I’ve encountered in my years of investing…until recently.  


Most posters are self-disciplined, articulate, and intelligent.  If I ever attended a shareholder meeting I’d be afraid to engage with most of you for fear of being found lacking.


Part of my due diligence is being able to read people, and most of you are a very good read!  I am constantly amazed by the collective competence.


This must be a very frustrating time for many longs.  Emotional discipline is difficult even in the best of times, and money can do strange things to people.  Perhaps some are experiencing a bad case of investor fatigue.


Do any of you recall the movie Kelly’s Heroes?  They too were going for the gold and facing many obstacles along the way.  Oddball kept chastising Moriarity for his negative waves and imploring him to say something righteous and hopeful.  The situation was always dangerous and crazy.


Life is what happens while we are making plans for other things.


And so I too am imploring everyone. Take a breath, be kind, and “Have a little faith baby!”


When we get to the river there will be a bridge, and it will be beautiful!


Thanks for listening.



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