Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Trend again


I think what is missing in your logic is the fact that critical to the survival of a start up company is the basic housekeeping concept of spending within one's means. 

Management, and PTI's certainly has, must have a project plan that lays down the activities needed towards its stated goals and how to resource and fund them -  choices have to be made. To me your philosophy appears to emphasise resourcing comms and marketing over product development.  I favour PTI's approach with an emphasis, at this stage in its project plan on product development and we are seeing excellent results as a result. I prefer this approach in the full knowledge,  that downline when design wins occur, revenue will allow PTI to herald its triumphs in comms and marketing.

What that other firm does, that you judge a better approach, appears to me to be the reverse and rather putting the cart before the horse.  Who would not enjoy the run they have had? but the question is how sustainable is the SP if its not backed by products.

So all in all I don't feel I have anything to thank you for in pointing out to POET Management what is blindingly obvious.  'We need a better comms/ marketing policy' the answer being surely, but when we can afford it.  

TM rained in spoon feeding shareholders when he arrived (cost control?) and laid out a sustainable comms policy which he has said now will be revamped.  I imagine to coincide with uplifting to the NASDAQ and quite right too. 

I simply dont think your 'I want it now approach' is in the company's best interest until their product development phase is well underway and I'm very satisfied with SVs Openheimer comments re Shenzen demonstrations to the promised ten.

Consequently I quite resent your comments to Oz 'you and your lot' as arrogant and reiterate my brimming confidence in management's judgement based on their performance in building value into POET products albeit prototypes, but one's that appear to be soundly constructed in first class R&D.

  I make no judgement on the other company as I remain very positive about my commitment to POET.  Why don't you?


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