Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: POET Content Plan
Aug 13, 2021 12:48PM
Aug 13, 2021 12:55PM
Aug 13, 2021 01:08PM
Aug 13, 2021 01:25PM
Aug 13, 2021 01:39PM

Why are we so worried about spending money on marketing though. It seems like we are only willing to look at the absolute cheapest options. I will reiterate if money is supposed to be flowing in very SOON. Then why are we concerned with spending even a million bucks or so on this venture over the course of the next six months. 

Perhaps because every time they spend money on marketing and news releases the market, largely, just yawns and we see little bang for our buck.  I don't think it wrong to say that the communication strategy in recent months has been greatly improved. 

The board cried out for management to provide more clarity around the NR's they released and we got the videos on agoracom as a result (thanks george etc).  We also cried out for videos to explain the technology and we've had, to date, the best ever video from management explaining it.  We asked for some adverts for the wider investment community and we got, albeit short, a video on bloomberg??  We wanted analyst coverage and we got it.  We wanted to improve the balance sheet and we have got that through selling Denselight.  We wanted the security of knowing the tech could be massed produced and we got that through the Sanan deal.

I guess I could go on.  But the point is we have largely been given what we've all asked for and to date it hasn't propelled the SP to where we all want it. Yes of course more could be done, but it is no wonder management isn't focusing on that area as much as executing on the technology and partnerships.  BCD made the point that some of the info in the recent Oppenheimer Conference presentation was news worthy and why didn't they release an NR?  It's because it would have largely produced no discernable reaction and mostly likely would have been met with the usual repsonse from this board and wider investors.  Which would be to point out that "that's not enough, we want revenue and partnership news", not promises of a new 800g patent or the potential of FR4 products. 

I honestly think we should all just be grateful that we've reached the cusp of something very tangible and should be largely applauding the efforts of a group of strangers who's efforts could make a lot of us very wealthy.  Thats not to say that things couldn't be improved and that reasonable suggestions could be made to the BOD's.

Thanks Adrian for your information and it's very welcome.  I take comfort in the fact management are doing this and it clearly points to great things to come.  I also suspect their timing is deliberate, in that their focus on marketing etc should be when they are ready to rock and roll with contracts etc. 

Our time is coming....!! And it could be soon.

Aug 13, 2021 01:46PM
Aug 13, 2021 01:49PM
Aug 13, 2021 02:19PM
Aug 13, 2021 02:20PM
Aug 13, 2021 02:40PM
Aug 13, 2021 02:52PM
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