Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: POET Content Plan

I am working with POET on developing a content plan that relies on best practices to raise awareness of the company and accelerate interest in the stock among retail and institutional investors. There will be an opportunity for you to choose to proactively help your investment grow. For many brands, digital media success builds through advocacy — the modern version of “word of mouth”. Grassroots activities ignite advocacy. A coordinated movement of a group of believers/fans, armed with the accurate and impactful messaging, can push a company to heights it has never reached and do so in a far more cost-effective way than pricey advertising on traditional media (though reaching traditional media audiences is also part of the plan). You’ll hear more in or before September. In the meantime, I hope this update is well-received and buoys your outlook that word of POET and its vast potential will be reaching a far wider audience.

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