Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Another kicking of the goal posts

Looks like people sold their shares.

I am very surprised. All gains of the best news in many years vaporized. Not what I expected. 

And seems like it's not the warrants anymore.

What I really don't get, shareholders don't won't a reverse split and complain about it being there "just in case".

So, current shareholders keep selling. For whatever reason. BUT, big BUT: if they wouldn't sell and allow the SP to raise instead finally, the company stated that they would not use it.

So, the RS will only happen, when people continue to sell and surpress the SP.

So current shareholders are currently living in and feeding their own worst nightmare which is nothing else then a self-fulfilling theory.

If the selling stops = NO RS.

If the selling continues = RS.


So keep your shares and let the SP rise. Enjoy your new wealth and your current share count without a RS. Instead of fearing it and feeding it by selling for pennies.


But maybe it's just me thinking too simplistic and living in a dream. 

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