Production of what jays? There a many projects running in tandem here and multiple partners. Not to mention what is going on in China at SP. Volume production was always slated for 2022 and no doubt 2H is fair given the WW chip shortage. Besides Poet is not just working to its own timelines here. They are balancing the demands of multiple partners at once. All of them working at their own pace.
We've just had the best news in the history of this company and something people have been demanding for years. An Actual contract and revenue, with real industry players. Yet here you are trying rattle a few cages. I'm sorry but you sound like a petulant child, or worse, deliberate!!
If you haven't already noticed. Making predictions about precisely when they'll reach certain milestones isn't an easy task and is always subject to many variables and potential drift. Particularly given the global tumult. Can't you just be happy that the most important step in the history of poet has been made. If yesterdays developements constitute can kicking, then I say get some more cans and roads for that matter. After all they all lead to poet anyway.