Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Inside Ownership..IMHO 30%

Great post, oldgreg! Agoracomers worry so much about the share price, me included, I'm sure the company doesn't want to disappoint us and others further  by saying "it did not work out the way we thought."  I think we'd all take a big hit in the net worth following such a statement. 

We clamor for more promotion and part of promotion is fluff, as opposed to "well, not this year."  

I do agree, however, it is better to lay the cards on the table, take your big hit and then move forward under a more realistic timetable. The company has been implying the delay for many, many months. But people do like to (mis)interpret with their hearts.

Some here have confused alpha and beta testing and the time for each.  But the timeline has been pretty computable based on information provided by the company over the last couple of years.  So when the company not so long ago said they were pleased to announce the shipment of their first alpha samples, well, start your timeline.  

I'm hoping for a bunch more design wins between now and year end.  I'm looking at this like popping corn, and I think we will accelerate in terms of wins. The potential will build, whether anyone notices that but us, that's a different story.  


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