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Message: It’s not us vs them

"If I were a warrant holder I'd want the sp to go up"

Unless you were a warrant holder shorting the stock.

Assume most of the normal warrant holders are done selling (as we were told in the meeting).

Assume a small portion of the warrant holders left here have been playing the stock since day one or since the day the share price has been high enough to make the short work. It's been a win/win situation for them (they can't lose because they have warrants to cover, worst case scenario) and they have been working it to the limit. They're keeping the share price down where it's at now buying what they can get at this low price. Most people who are selling are not warrant holders at all, just ordinary people selling for whatever reason, and the warrant holders (shorts) are just buying back their shares at rock bottom prices. That will soon end and the share price will act normal and, hopefully, go up. Maybe not quickly without news, but quick enough.

That's the way I see it but hey, what do I know? LOL... I do know that there is a lot of things going on here that would indicate someone wants to cause doubt and confusion.

Now, let's see how long this post will stay without being deleted...good luck all..T 






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