"Shorters aren't magical, and they tend to do even more DD than others. If our company is undervalued it is not going to be shorted."
First of all: I want POET to list on Nasdaq. I see more advantages than disadvantages. And I want it to happen without a capital raise and as soon as possible, even if that means a higher R/S.
But: Shorters don´t care much about true value. They care about sentiment and how they can play this sentiment for a short period of time. If it´s easy TO TELL there ist nothing achieved yet, there are only words by management but no evidence and there are risks more than chances then maybe POET gets played by shorters. And I think this is possible as of today. A shorter could even say the JV does not have any merits as nothing is achieved by now - who of us can take a closer look into what happens in china?
They are good in picking uncertainities and inflate them to big damokles´ swords. It´s not about facts, it´s about telling a (negative) story that others believe. This can destroy market value for sometimes a long period of time no matter if its deserved or not.
The only way to face it is to make clear (from the beginning) what you have, where you want to go and how you will get there. And having a good news flow. And having the luck of beeing overseen by the highliy professional shorters. Maybe it would good to be picked by a Shorter of bad qualitiy, as no one really cares and POET is mainly through with that.
Long story short: I think it´s good to expect volatility when doing an uplist. But it will be worth it, IMO. Fasten your seatbelts.