Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: I have a theory

This is a Great Idea. Is there a way we can Communicate with Adrian more? 

Going back to your idea, Poet could Reward us with a Script Dividend. It still puts Cash in the Till, and Rewards is for our Loyalty.

I know the Argument would be Bankers will bring Buyers in.


We are not at that Stage, Money is required to grow the Company.

The Big Boys only come in when we have Revenue, and Contracts.

I am very Positive, and don't get involved with daily posts.

However I will say one thing, the Board of Poet could communicate with us so much better.

If things are Secret I respect that.

Communication is very Important.

Try going away for one month and your Partner does not know what's going on, or where you are.


Poet misses a Trick, big time.This Board is so loyal, a little love I guarantee we will show more. 

Adrian time for you to come to the plate! You are hired on our Money.

Go back to the Press Release on your Arrival, that's your job.

We are POET not the CIA.























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