Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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Rainer said " The variant that requires the fewest preconditions (Occam’s razor, my favorite) is that someone, institutional or not, wants to buy a large number of shares. In order not to drive up the share price too much, he only buys medium-sized portions in chunks. However, even medium-sized portions are highly visible in a tight market. They give shareholders hope of price gains and tempt them to cling to their shares or even buy more in order to sell them only at high prices."


This idea has been brought up before but I have a hard time following it.  Doesn't this assume there can only be one interested party looking to accumulate a large number of shares or this method would not be successful?  If there were more than one they would be fighthing against each other for the same shares, bringing more interest and higher prices?  So is this a case of one company working against us or let me go way out and say there is a cartel of accumulators working together to hold us, that sounds crazy right?

So my next series of questions: how can there only be one person/institution looking to accumulate at this level?  How can the price stagnate because this single interested party takes a day off?  Why are we the only buyers here on agoracom?  Surely there are more interested parties worried about being on the sidelines when this thing hits?

They day Occam's razor doesn't allow one entity to hold us in place will be a great day.  We are now in Q2, we're almost there.    


Enjoy the weekend,




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