So glad I am naive to the bone. Noone comments on my roadmap of the "big names with big contracts", so I am obviously dumb. Yeah, so be it!
My happy life depends on my wife loving me with or without POET holdings. On our son and daughter in-law living a happy life. On hard earned money being spread widely enough to hold POET for high hopes but not for paying the rent or for one more trip to Africa or one less.
I am also far too dumb to judge TM for whatever he may do right or wrong. So much so, that I even mistrust our whizkids here, who exactly know how POET-mgmt could easily turn our fortunes in seconds. Do I need to be popular on this board? No! Do I appreciate you having your own thoughts about what I am contributing? Absolutely!
Again: I may be naive not trying to force "big names" out of a situation that I feel is in capable hands technically and not knowing what commercial playsters we're in the hands of. The overwhelming "DD" with all the fantastic dot connectors is, of course, far beyond me fool. Do I weigh their overwhelming intelligence against my naivety? Certainly not. Have they proven right? Hmm... Do they live a better live? I'm afraid not. There'll be a time when they all claim to having been right all the time. Then I'll be rich just like them, but having had more fun in life...
Think about it, love it or hate it, it will not change POET's fortunes. I myself will stay naive and keep something in our cellar to celebrate when the time is right, Meanwhile I hope me and my family and friends to be alive and well when results materialize and dot connecting will be an outdated art.
All the best from a happy fool