Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Green, like grass

What the tweet said:

SNEAK PEEK: Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, $POET Tech CEO, has some "pretty exciting" news about the progress of customer sampling. Full video interview with @AdrianBrijbassi  to be published early next week.


What you wrote:

I only know of the one video and it's supposed to provide details on customer/provisioning.

The rest is speculation AFAIK.


I am not trying to suggest that you are necessarily assuming anything. All I am saying is don’t expect that the details provided are going to include customer names and quantities.  I expect there will be some colour on the number of customers to which samples have been shipped, and possibly the use cases.  Far too often people on this board will read something as you have written and leap to the conclusion they are going to hear customer names and how big PO’s will be.  Then there is the inevitable sadness when the company gives an update along the lines I am suggesting.

Do I hope for more? Sure I do. But I expect nothing in detail. 

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