Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Interesting?

Well, I don't think they could have presented the information any clearer or better than that.

I remain completely satisfied and invested, adding more whenever possible.

Good luck all. T 

I posted the above just after I listened to the interview yesterday because this is what I saw, plain and simple. Yes, perhaps, a little delay in our project if one could even call it that. What else can one expect? I mean we are sitting on very disruptive technology, one which Poet has near perfected and did so better than anyone else in the industry. And then a possible little delay sends this board into a tantrum?... LOL!... Yes, it’s really laughable if it wasn’t so serious and because of it many will sell and lose their investment in Poet, a deal that will prove to be one of the best. This board played right into the hands of the shorts and manipulators. With a little help, of course, from said manipulators as is always the case.


Suresh was at his best. Everything was presented beautifully, as good as could possibly be done. I expected some excitement from the crew here as to the plan.

But such was not the case. If anything, it was quite the opposite. Well, I guess, some people will be blown off course by the slightest of breezes and there’s not much that can be done about that when the market is ‘controlled.’


Just my 2 cents worth and the way I see it. From my point of view, as always, I buy a few more shares at a time as it goes lower, and if it goes higher I have another drink and celebrate. Either way will satisfy me because I know what I own in Poet and they are getting better every day as they have been doing for the past few years. You can’t ask for better than that from a company.



 Good luck, my friends. And try and block out all that noise.               

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