Also, "The 400G FR4 TX and RX optical engines are the building blocks for an 800G FR4 optical engine that POET intends to introduce to the market in time to capture a major inflection point identified in the April 2022 LightCounting forecast report". Basically it seems to me that POET is able to bring 800G, 1.6Tbps and 3.2Tbps ("depending on the gear box" ppt POET) very very fast to the market, way faster then they project in the timeline, but I believe they just want to milk the cows with the 100-400G speeds first and thereby securing the path and capture the inflection point at the right time with the higher speeds because it doesn't make sense to bring 800G to the market when companies like Stitched said are not ready for adoption. They'll make a lot of money anyway! Exciting.