Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Thank you Mazan

Thank you Mazan for sharing that little bit of info with us other shareholders.

Please don't feel obligated to answer these questions but I would love to hear your thoughts on them.

I am convinced that this Company has some really tangible products coming and I feel they will be revolutionary. I have not put any more money into shares though for over a year because I feel their timing might still be over a year or 2 away and my money would be better served in other investments.

   Were you and the other investors involved in this PP able to talk to management and get a feel of how close they are to getting some serious production? Or were there other reasons that convinced you to parttake in this PP?

   Just asking but not obligating , you can tell me to mind my own business.

But I have been a long time shareholder too, and  I have thought about adding more but I have been a little tentative to pull the trigger for now.

Thanks again for your POET support,


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