Nice find. This was a message I posted last a September concerning ADVA. I believe the product that we are working on with them is the 100g LR4.
ECOC22 Update: ADVA's Optical Engines
Here is a video ADVA posted at the ECOC22 discussing their optical engines. Read Monk's post before watching the video.
They AGAIN reference outside innovative advance packaging solutions that directly points to POET
Back in April they announced some products that eluded strongly to the POET Optical Interposer. Suresh also acknowledged that this company pretty much let everybody know they were working with POET without mentioning them by name. I am hoping POET can name ADVA as a customer.
ADVA has expanded its family of multiplexing optical modules with a 40km bidirectional design for access networks:
“So you need a multiplexing solution.... That includes differentiated products, products that don’t exist in the industry"
"As well as the -SR4 interface, the Quattro multiplexes 100-gigabit CWDM-4 and LR4. “Those are the two categories that don’t exist in the marketplace, so the product is unique,”"
“We are working with a partner on the packaging capabilities to reduce that massive number of lasers and detectors into small form factors,”
And POET's NR from last year: