Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Potential Lightbar Customers

 Who are the other Lighbar customers not named yet ?

Look at slide 26 on April 2021 presentation from Poet. They mention potential customers for Lightbar from the Data center: Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Meta(Facebook).

They also mention potential customers on the Optical System side: Cisco, Huawei, Juniper, Acacia, ARISTA(my bolding), Nokia


Now look at page 4 of the Zacks report from November 2022.Under potential customers for the Lightbar packaged source they mention an Optical System company which could potentially be Arista (speculation on my part). Their chief procurement officer is Theresa Lam Ende is on our board of Directors.

The other potential customer is under the category of Datacom which could be Meta, Amazon or Alibaba. It could also be Google because we have a former Poet employee Edward Cornejo working there. A lot has been posted on this board about that connection.  


Feb 16, 2023 12:22PM
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