Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 1.5 million shares

Foxy wrote: "It would be best if we fall so low in the share price that the warrants can no longer be redeemed." not sure if that was a third person quote or what but.

The closing price on the CAD side moved from $4.35 on Jan 9 to $6.2 the next day on 320k share volume on news that was predicted (4 optical engines released for production). Next the ADVA NR which moved the stock to $7.43 on Jan 18 where it hovered at the $7.50 range for a few days as people complained that it was being held there by warrant holder selling. Then came the Luxshare news release.

So it was suggested that it could be a good thing for the share price to drop to a point where the balance of the $4.25 warrants expire? 

In case you missed it, 8 products are going to be displayed at OFC. How is the company going to finance that production and continue to develop new high value products if as you say it would be best to let the share price drop? It is necessary for POET to have a healthy balance sheet for many reasons including showing customers that they have sufficient funds to support sale commitments. Who is going to commit to purchase orders if the financial health of the company is in question?

I don't get the rationale. 

It is worth considering that just maybe the majority of the $4.25 warrant holders (who needed to raise money) have already taken advantage of the rise in the share price and are sitting on the funds until closer to the expiry date. In other words a significant portion of the selling pressure we are seeing right now may be associated with normal market activities associated with the needs of people who are over invested or simply believe that the share price is going lower.


In the last 30 days $14 million in shares have traded on the Canadian side. 

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