Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: google from redit

Sorry, but I don't understand this positive excitement right now. The text states:

"Google, with their Apollo project, has developed a non-blocking 136x136 optical circuit switch that is both forward and backward-compatible with any bandwidth or wavelength Google uses or will use in its data centers. This switch, according to Google, only uses 108 watts of power consumption. Compared to a standard 136 port EPS switch, which would be in the 3,000 watts range.

So while there are disadvantages to OCS, Google has created a solution that has far more upsides than there are downsides for them. And over the past 5 years, "tens of thousands of 136x136 port OCS (eight spare ports) were manufactured and deployed." Google has created a system that works incredibly very well for them." (Source:

So Google's solution is already developed, produced and used - what should this have to do with POET? ...Maybe I'm just on the wrong track, but apart from Cornejo I don't see any connection here. Who can help me?

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