ABC... Yes it's agian time to consider changes at the top. I've been reading this board for seven months and not entered a post but have grown increasingly frustrated at what shareholders should be discussing. Go to Reddit and review a post of 7 months ago posted by Low-Sheephereder9435 titled Fellow Shareholders. That post is still spot on. The problem starts and ends with the CEO he stops all revenue related press release possibilities in there tracks. Yes, he is a brilliant technology Phd but not a financially minded businessman that can drive a corporation in front of the investment community. As with most brilliant Phd's they are more concerned about working on the next best widget since that raises his personal stock in the industry. Also, our Board has good people but they are like minded, (the CEO put them there) they also look to the next great widget forgetting shareholder value. When Funds do their due-diligence they see what I see and go elsewhere.