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Message: How to Invest in the AI Boom

Below is a link to an article from Fortune magazine that came out this month on how to invest in the AI Boom. I have highlighted some of the key points of the article which pertain to POET. Specifically being a smaller hardware company that has a solution to  decrease the costs of AI computing processing ( 75%). A solution like that is of huge interest to the Tech giants.

There are many funds and ETF’s already attracting assets into the AI space.


How to invest in the A.I. boom: 11 stocks and 4 funds to buy now (


“A.I. is being defined actively by leading tech giants,” explained PitchBook tech analyst Brendan Burke, citing the leaders as Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet (GOOGL), Amazon (AMZN), and Meta (META)”


“But the giants have a problem—they’re huge. “It’s harder to move the needle for [Big Tech] as opposed to some of these smaller or midsize companies that are going to wind up playing in space that is going to be significant


“During the California gold rush, some of the savviest investors eschewed chasing gold itself and made a mint investing in the picks and shovels that those looking for riches needed for their search. Cohan sees an analogy in A.I. “It might well be that the initial beneficiaries of A.I. expansion are going to be in the hardware space, instead of the software space,” Helfstein predicted.


“A.I. growth is based on the improved efficiency and the decreased cost of [graphics] processing units (GPUs). Semiconductors are necessary for A.I. software to function, and the companies that produce them will supercharge its expansion.



Global X Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF (BOTZ), has $1.64 billion in assets under management

BlackRock’s iShares Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Multisector ETF (IRBO) around $288 million in assets under management

The Defiance Machine Learning and Quantum Computing ETF (QTUM) has roughly $116 million in assets under management,

A widely diversified option is the ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index ETF (ROBO), which holds 79 stocks




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