Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Good job Tom and team

John, you did a fine job at the AGM, but I think you were slightly overshadowed by Suresh. I thought today's AGM was about the best I've seen/heard. 

Suresh is about as upfront with his comments and answers as a CEO can be.  I've always liked that about him, right from his first AGM.  

They seemed to steer clear of questions about Celestial, but Suresh did use the term "fabric" two or three times, just not specifically in connection with Celestial.  To me, all implications are that we are involved with Celestial for all their currently disclosed endeavors. 

As always, time to meaningful revenue is the share price's most formidable challenge. I wish we were all ten years younger!  But the fundamentals/potential - a thing of beauty.

Go Poet, as the Man said! 



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