Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: News

So the ATM was a failure, there was nothing else in its place as suspected.  This reeks of desperation to get some cash quick, the fact they aren't even confident we max out, is staggering.  On the cusp of so many great things and we can't attract flies to invest without more warrants?  There is a serious disconnect here, and frankly it does erode my confidence about our real future.  What do instructional investors know that we don't, why must we dilute further when apparently production is about to take off?  I can't wait for the "just wait for the warrant overhang" arguments to rationalize our pathetic share price.  I also can't wait for these investors who participate to short the stock again, we've seen this movie before.

I'd welcome a buyout at this stage, this story is getting old.

Also Tom, retire, obviously. 

Such a frustrating stock, it doesn't jive.

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