If only there was a resemblence of trust in Mgmt. this would be the time to buy, buy, buy! Another "last step" to production and we'll be flying. Just like every year the next one will be "the year of POET". It may well be, but the promises are so worn out that noone seems to believe in it anymore.
It looks as if "not buying" is the only resort left, hoping that this will prove wrong again, just like it proved wrong anytime we were jumping on "buying opportunities". This may well result in getting POET in trouble, but it's what their past behavior told us.
On one hand I can't believe that the likes of Sanan and CAI would just watch us going down the drain, so I suspect there are more things going on behind the schenes tha what meets the eye - on the other hand my only resort seems to be not to buy this time hoping that decision is as wrong as all the times I decided to buy.
To all those invested: now is the time to rethink about love: love should never be divortet from your partner to a stock! Hiding Clubs and Frying Pans may be a short term solution. Hugs and kisses may serve you a lot better. Just put your ego on the backburner until POET may hit the big! Otherwise you may end up losing more than what you have (temporarily?) lost in shares.
Here's to the power of love!