This report states stock price of 21 Aug as US$3.68. Zacks target valuation is US$13.73.
Page 3 of report reads:-
Quote-Poet is actively seeking a JV partner to independently finance this strategic initiative (to build modules into its China Plus One strategy to produce optical engines for transceivers and light sources for AI hardware outside of mainland China...)and reports that it has been successful in attracting several financial investors in Asia willing to invest large sums US$50+ million into this effort.-Unquote
One must hopefully assume that Poet did not mislead or exaggerate the above facts but that poses the questions:
What happened between 22 Aug and now to make these investors disappear. Was it a lack of trust in the financial management of the company., or something else.
We are totally in the dark because of a failure to communicate.
The statement of US$50+million investors, not just one but several, implied in no uncertain manner that further stock offerings would not be needed.
This is absolutely contrary to what is now happening, resulting in the sudden and dramatic plunge in the share price devastating the accounts of all shareholders.
Somebody must be held responsible for this mismanagement.